Congrats! You’re pregnant! But wait… now you feel like you’ve partied way too hard and all you did was wake up? Nausea and fatigue are normal and can actually indicate a healthy pregnancy, but they’re still a MAJOR drag. Here are the best foods, natural remedies, and tips to beat nausea!
You try your hardest to read labels, cook tasty meals, and keep you and your family healthy, but have you thought of food safety? Many of us know the basics, but there are a few key tips that can make your kitchen even safer to avoid not-so-fun foodborne accidents. Read on for some easy fixes to keep your food safe!
Many people are turning to gardens these days to deal with stress and to have a home-grown source of food. Starting a garden can be just a little intimidating, especially when you want results fast. Here are over 10 vegetables and herbs that are easy to grow and that you’ll have on your table ASAP.
Whether it’s a crazy time at work, or a once in a hundred years catastrophic pandemic, stress is impossible to avoid. Stress can throw us off course each day, and wreak havoc on our health. So how can you stay healthy when you’re stressed?
While certain foods are a safe bet for most of us, we’re all made a bit differently and need slightly different nutrients. Over the last few years, more companies have boasted they can tap into DNA results and optimize nutrition. I decided to try to see what it said and if it was worth it. Here’s what I thought!
As much as I keep saying to eat more vegetables (I know, I say it a lot…), I know it can be hard. Fruit is, for me at least, easy to sub in for a snack or have on the side of a meal, but veggies! It can be really easy to avoid them altogether. Here are 10 ways to make veggies more tasty and sneak them in!
Down to its simplest core, weight loss happens when you burn more calories than you eat. Instead of a diet, just a small amount less per day can lead to slow and gradual weight loss. Check out these swaps that cut back on calories without all the drama of dieting.
You’ve lost the weight, but you know that most people regain the weight they’ve lost, and sometimes more. So how do you beat the odds?
While food can't compete with sunscreen, a hat, or good ol' fashioned shade, some foods can boost your skin's ability to protect itself and heal from time in the sun. By enjoying some of these antioxidant rich foods on the regular, you can reap skin protecting benefits (but still don’t skip the sunscreen).
You may have noticed, one of the biggest dieting trends these days is… not eating! Intermittent fasting is buzzing around, and you may have wondered if you’d benefit from this style. If you’d like to find out if fasting is right for you, read on!
You poop. I poop. We all poop, only sometimes we don’t and that’s when things start to get a bit (okay, very) uncomfortable. While both constipation - and talking about it - can make us a bit squeamish, it’s totally normal to occasionally struggle. Before you reach for the over-the-counter stuff, the biggest culprit is usually diet. With just a few easy additions to your day, you’ll be lighter on your feet in no time.
Whatever the reason you go a diet - a vacation, to lose weight fast, or to get healthy - it’s important to really think about the diet or cleanse before jumping in. A healthier diet plan has four key characteristics that’ll make it a success. Make sure to run through this checklist before starting your next diet!
If you’ve been dragging, or drinking a pot of coffee a day, or JUST CAN’T WAKE UP, this post is for you. Instead of reaching for the caffeine pills, try these 7 natural ways to increase energy. Bonus: these tips help improve mood and overall health too!
The Mediterranean diet has been around for awhile now (as in centuries) but it just started picking up steam in the last few decades. Research has been building in support of this diet, and it was recently ranked the best diet by US Health and News. If you’d like to give it a shot, but have no idea where to start, read on!
Superfoods sound super expensive, right? Not so, if you know where to look! If you’re jonesing for some inspiration to add to your grocery list for a healthier diet, look no further. These ingredients are all heart healthy, can help you lose weight, and are budget friendly.
It’s recommended that we limit sodium intake to 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, but it’s estimated that Americans eat almost double! Sodium is hidden in many foods, so it’s very easy to go above our recommended intake. Here are easy - and yummy - tips and low sodium alternatives to help you put down the salt shaker. Your heart will thank you!
Recent studies have shown that cardiovascular disease now kills one out of 3 Americans. The fact is, many of us don’t think about our heart health - and don’t have symptoms - until there’s a problem much later in life when treatment is already needed. Here are 7 things you can do today to live a healthier, longer life.
Want to get healthier this year but you always break your NYE resolution? Did you know that by six weeks into the new year, 4 out of 5 people have broken their resolutions? Crazy right? It’s never too late to make make a goal you can stick to. Check out these 5 goals to make this year your healthiest yet!
New year, new you? Not so fast. If you’ve ever ditched a New Year's resolution before, you’re not alone. By six weeks into the new year, 4 out of 5 people have broken their resolutions. Before you throw on the sweatpants and dive into some nachos, here’s how to make your goals stick.
Not only is yo-yo dieting not good for your waistline, new research shows that yo-yo dieting can drastically raise the risk of having a heart attack or stroke and doubles the risk of death! Here’s why you should skip the fad diet and what you should do instead.
The holidays are a time to celebrate with friends and family and enjoy seasonal favorites. Here at Nourished Bite we want you to have your best holiday season yet with a handy checklist for a happy AND healthy holiday.
Your immune system is always chugging away, defending you from bacteria, viruses, and other germs and protecting you from everything from common colds to cancer. While no one food will magically fight off the flu, adding these essential nutrients and tips to your day will give your immune system a fighting chance through cold season and beyond.
These tiny leaves were popular way before microgreens became cool. Herbs are way more than just a garnish! These tiny little leaves are packed with goodness. Not only do they add flavor and color to a meal, herbs are also full of nutrients and disease-fighting antioxidants.
It’s summer! Farm stands are bursting with delicious, fresh fruits and veggies all across the country. As if you needed any more inspiration to snatch some up, here’s a list of some of the best fruits and veggies out now — and why they’re good for you!
You’ve probably heard about BPA and vaguely know your water bottle or your baby’s bottles shouldn’t have it. Have you ever wondered if other plastics are safe, or if it’s really worth it to avoid plastic containers? I dived deep to try to find some answers!
Whether you want to stay hydrated or save the earth, one of the first steps is to snag a reusable water bottle. With so many options to choose from, what’s the best one to buy? From glass to copper to stainless steel, check out the pros and cons of each here.
Did you know that food packaging makes up to 2/3rds of the trash we throw out each day? Here are 8 tips to reduce kitchen waste - for a healthier you and a healthier planet.
Every few years a new study comes out touting the health benefits, or health risks, of eggs. So what’s the deal? Are eggs a “superfood” or bad for your health?
We're always being told to "drink more water" but why is it so important? Over half of our bodies are made up of water, so even being a little dehydrated can slow you down, impact your mood, and zap your energy. Here tips and tricks to drink more, every day.
You know your kid should be eating a “balanced diet” but when your child is begging for peanut butter and jelly or mac and cheese for the umpteeth day in a row, it’s hard to feel like you’re doing the best you can. Instead of trying to get them to eat everything, here’s a list of important nutrients your kids need so you can hone in on what vitamins and minerals your child may be missing, along with a few kid-friendly ideas for each nutrient to get you started.